
get off the ground

get off the ground とは離陸する、離陸に成功する、物事がうまく行き始めるという意味です。0:16 in a world where most startups fail, it creates even more challenges for young companies trying to get off the ground. 社会事業は新規で立ち上げる企業の大半が潰れるこのご時勢、若い企業にとって飛躍するのが難しくなる概念だ。

Lstn's wooden headphones have a charitable mission - Small Empires S. 3 Ep. 1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rUb6oAPaoU  19;39 I just got the thing off the ground. やってることがうまく回り始めたばかりなの。
Recipe For Revenge
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0hiXXd4T8s  11:47 Arthur's business will take a few more years to get off the ground.

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2013/02/get-off.html  get off