Hippo jumps from truck and suffers broken tooth and leg
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCdAbF5Cfdk 0:12 many people who lose someone, you realize you're at the crossroads at your life. you can either be finished and do nothing and just hope to be you called up together one day in heaven or whatever you believe Or you can try to make a break for it.人間は伴侶を失うと人生の岐路に立たされる。すると、その人は天に召されてその伴侶と一緒になれるのを待って何もしないでいるか、それとも、何かを始めて(神から)自由になろうとする。
Cancer death drives pan-US run
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDT0xSsrVIg 2:00 the only solution; make a break for it. 唯一の道は、逃げることだ。
World's Deadliest - Gelada vs. Gelada
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJLHVFAjDx0 1:08 Lien apparently panics and makes a break for it. 暴走族にタイヤを切られて、パニックに陥ってしまったリエン氏は脱出を試みた。
Biker Hit in Road Rage Incident Paralyzed
1:50 finally the eel's shock subsides for a second, and the caiman makes a break for it. 電気ウナギの放電が止まると、ワニはたまらず逃げた。
You Do Not Want to Get Tased by This Eel