Hunter Hunted: Zimbabwe asks US to extradite Cecil the Lion killer 5:13 Sarah Palin was a bit of an Alaskan albatross around John McCain's neck. ペイリン知事を副大統領候補に指名したマケイン議員の不明は一生ついてまわることになる。
Maher: "Palin was a Bit of an Alaskan Albatross Around McCain's Neck" 3:03 that chair, which I could potentially have had for the rest of my life, would have just hung around my neck like an albatross. あの教授の地位は死ぬまで保障されていたと思うけど、(それを受け入れてしまった悔いは)、一生尾を引いたと思う。
Are You Hiding Your Identity at Work? 2:04 now an American citizenship, instead of, you know, a badge of honor, is like an albatross around your neck. いまやアメリカ国民であることは何も自慢に出来るような代物ではなく、むしろ方言札のようなものだ。
参考リンク scarlet letter
a-4658 an albatross around every president's neck
a-9741 an albatross around their necks
a-9814 an albatross around my neck
b-2445 get Twitter off his neck
b-3212 an albatross around the country's neck
b-3780 an albatross around the former president's neck
b-5145 the albatross
b-6336 the albatross around his neck