Chinese soldiers pass around live grenade - Hot potato 1:56 Mitt Romney was the best on immigration amazingly enough until Donald Trump came along. but he dropped immigration like a hot potato as soon as he became nominee. ロムニー候補は移民問題に対して強硬姿勢だったが、共和党の指名を獲得するとすぐに移民問題に対して口を閉ざしてしまった。
Ann Coulter discusses how Trump could ruin presidency with Ed Schultz 2:50 as always in the end, he dropped it like a hot potato.オバマの国籍問題にしても、ペテン師のトランプは勝手に煽っておいて、最後にはいつも知らぬ顔の半兵衛を決め込む。
Whatever Happened To #LoserDonald's Pursuit Of Obama's Birth Certificate? 12:59 then they will drop us like a hot potato. 北欧諸国はイタリア国債さえ売却すれば、イタリアとはおさらばだ。
Gerald Celente - Alex Jones Radio - March 18, 2013
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