
meaning その意味は

meaning が「その意味は、つまり」などの意味で使われる場合は名詞があたかも接続詞のような働きをする。the meaning から the が脱落したものと考えるといい。3:07 there will be consequences, meaning they will be taxed very heavily at the border if they want to leave, fire all the people,,, 企業が国外移転したら、それは高くつく。つまり、労働者を解雇して移転するときに法外な税金を吹っ掛けることだ。

Trump Speaks to Carrier Employees

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovMGkw3EdfU  0:59 ,,,, meaning whole metro areas could be gone. つまり都市部全域は水没する可能性が高いということだ。
New Orleans could disappear due to global warming

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IFUcnhEJt0  2:28 meaning what? meaning Joe Gregory. つまりなんだ?つまりジョーを更迭させるのさ。 
Too Big To Fail (2011)- James Woods - Storm Always Passes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaFnlW5zCZs  1:09 the current models are able to be refueled in mid-air, meaning that they can fly an unlimited number of miles. 現行の大統領専用機は空中給油が可能だ。つまり、いくらでも飛べると言うことだ。
Does The President Really Need Air Force One?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmkNrhoZcuU  4:30 in the United States, and unbelievable 748 truckers lost their lives in 2013 alone, meaning that there are roughly two deaths per day in the profession.
Top 10 Most Dangerous Jobs

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdtUdEoE-Q4  1:33 meaning what? meaning we will burn the program to the ground. その意味は何だ?それは、この計画を完全に抹消することだ。
The Bourne Legacy Official Trailer #2 (2012) Jeremy Renner Movie HD

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVn02Da74oI  5:50 it's a shame. don't you think? meaning? 宝の持ち腐れとはお思いになりませんか?なんだと?

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2016/11/ie-that-is.html  i.e. = that is

a-9318 meaning
a-9854 meaning
b-4485 meanings