Atomic Blonde (2017) - I Never Worked for You Scene (10/10) | Movieclips
7:08 get it through your thick skulls. あんたら二人は本当に頭が固い。これは共和党、民主党の問題じゃなくてアメリカの問題だ。いい加減わかれよ、ボケ!
Ben Carson: 'It Doesn't Matter' If Donald Trump Sexual Assault Accusers Lie | Morning Joe | MSNBC
1:10 we really should get it through our head that.... われわれはもうそろそろ、、、を理解する必要がある。
Ben Stein: Here's why Trump is terrifying on trade
46:51 when are you going to get it through that thick skull of yours? お前ね、いつになったら彼女の気持ちがわかるんだ?
Soldier Love Story (2009)
2;20 the table's yours as long as you like. nobody's waiting on it. plus we've got free wireless. radio? ask for her number, you moron. = get it through your thick skull ここは誰も決まったウェイトレスがいないから居たいだけ居ていいのよ。WiFiも使い放題よ。WiFiって何?あの娘はお前に気があるのがわからんのか?電話番号くらいもらっとけ、このボケ茄子が。
Marvel's The Avengers and Acura RDX Bonus Deleted Scene
参考リンク knucklehead 馬鹿者 moron ばか,まぬけ
b-1173 get it through your thick head