

ぬかるみは mire, quagmire (共に比ゆ的に困難な状況を意味します)ですが、be mired in というフレーズで困難なぬかるみにはまっているという意味になります。0:18 for 5 years, Greece has been mired in economic crisis.

Talk to Al Jazeera In the Field - Greeks: How did we lose our way?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIuSmOMyVWo  0:19 the country is mired in a recession. ブラジルは不況にあえいでいる。
Emerging economies face tough future | DW Business

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga4ZFR-788g  0:58 it's a total quagmire.
'Assad is today's Hitler': Protesters picket White House after Obama's Syria speech

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfdoqS9IO7g  16:48 it's like a quagmire.
Jobs Report Confirms QE Isn't The Only Thing Not Working

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCw30UjlmoY  1:50 UNITED AIRLINES MIRED IN EPIC PR DISASTER.  
Paul Callan Speaks on Passenger Removed From United Flight Recovering in Hospital. @PaulCallan