Dick Van Dyke Sings 'Mary Poppins' After Fan Flash Mob for 90th Birthday
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2v1-Kmjbek 3:53 this is what the big pharma does. this guy seized this, gets in on the action. これが製薬会社のやることさ。この男はチャンスをとらえて、薬の値上げに踏み切った。
Price Gouging Drug CEO Is The Donald Trump Of The Pharmaceutical Industry
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2015/08/blog-post_61.html 一枚加わるを英語でなんと言うか?
a-5230 got in on the action
a-6045 got in on it
a-6480 get in on the microblading craze
a-7953 got in on the act
a-9344 getting in on the action
b-5144 have gotten in on the market
b-7058 in on this trick