Hurricane Irma Bears Down On Southern Florida | CNBC
2:21 amateur astronomers this afternoon were setting up their gears in the driving rain. 猛烈な雨のなか、 アマチュア天文家達は望遠鏡を設置していた。
Flashback: NBC Nightly News Covers the 1979 Eclipse | NBC Nightly News
3:24 even in the driving rain, Venezuelans started their day in search of food. 大雨が降っても、ベネズエラでは食料品を手に入れるため人々は朝から列に並ばなければならない。
Socialism Nightmare: Venezuelans Now Eating Dogs, Cats and Pigeons to Survive
0:03 howling wind and driving rain. still it has been unrelentless through the night and all through today. 昨夜から今日にかけてこの暴風雨は収まる気配がありません。
Typhoon Hagupit drenches Philippines
参考リンク howling wind ビュービュー吹く風 oh wow its pouring! raining cats and dogs 土砂降りを英語でなんと言うか?
a-5043 driving rain