On the Road: Sully and his miracle plane
3:47 if I get you to say that, if my property is part of your daily routine in some form of fashion, we did our job. 私がつくった店に行こうとか、人が毎日その店の世話になるとか、皆が言ってくれるようなら、、、私の仕事は一応合格だ。
The Billionaire Behind LA's Most Iconic Shopping Destination | Forbes
6:46 it definitely does the job. 立派に寝室の役割を果たしてくれるよ。
School Bus Converted To Incredible Off-Grid Home
3:35 futon, not very thick but it does the job. この敷布団はそんなにぶ厚くないけれども、ちゃんと寝れる。
Japanese Apartment in Tokyo
a-6326 do the job
a-7413 doing his job