
tickle the ivories 鍵盤を叩く

tickle the ivories, tinkle the ivories にはピアノを弾くの意味がある。ivory/ivories に(白の)鍵盤の意味もある。0:27 I had this song called 'ebony and ivory' which is about harmony between races. 自分の書いた「エボニーとアイボリー」は黒人と白人の調和を歌ったものだ。

Paul McCartney: From the Archive – Ebony and Ivory

0:31 6 years old Avett Ray from Ohio started tickling the ivories as soon as he was tall enough to reach the keys at just 11 months old. この六歳児は11ヶ月で背丈がピアノの鍵盤に届く頃になるとすぐに鍵盤をたたき始めた。

Blind 6-Year-Old Pianist Becomes an Internet Star

0:17 armed with nothing more than his ability to tinkle the ivories, the protester keeps his identify closely guarded secret. このウクライナの反政府活動家はピアノがうまく弾ける以外の身分証明は決して明かさない。

Musical protest: Who is the mystery piano man entertaining anti-government camp in Ukraine?

a-6338 tickles the ivories
a-6875 tickle the ivories
a-7758 tickling the ivories
b-3810 tickles the ivories