
by the day 日を追うごとに

by the minute, by the hour, by the day,,,, 単数形であることに注意。0:20 he's getting weaker by the day. 日増しに彼の体力は落ちている。

Florida teen with terminal cancer to marry high school sweetheart with help from community

0:10 two years later, an outbreak of a coronavirus in Wuhan, China, gripped the world as the death toll and infection count grew by the day. ビル・ゲイツの予言から二年後、武漢で発生したコロナウイルスの集団感染の感染者と死者の数は日増しに増加し世界は驚愕した。

What does the coronavirus mean for China's economy? | CNBC Explains

1:51 and his health is deteriorating by the hour. 入居者の容態は時間を追うごとに悪化している。5:14 the number of people who are infected with COVID-19 is rising by the day here. この養護施設ではコロナに感染する人が日を追うごとに増えている。

Care home life under lockdown

0:10 i'm in about a foot of water. it's getting worse by the minute.

Watch Photographer Evacuate Mom and Dogs From Harvey's Devastating Flooding | National Geographic

0:34 the Florence is getting stronger and stronger by the minute. ハリケーン・フローレンスは刻一刻と勢力を増している。

Pilot describes flying through Hurricane Florence

a-8305 growing livelier by the day