

5:45 we were expecting then leader Kim Jong-il to come out and wave, salute the troops. so it was my first day of work. I was watching this. and (3 words), as the camera scanned to the viewing platform, he wasn't there. and I cannot tell you, that just (5 words) 取材初日の私は、金正恩の父であり当時の指導者であった金正日は建国記念日の式典に出席して、人民に手をふり、軍隊に敬礼をするのかと思っていましたが、カメラが貴賓席を映すと、なんと、そこに金正日の姿はなく、私は背筋が凍る思いをした。

Where Is Kim Jong-un? How Experts Track North Korea’s Leader | NYT News