

恐怖のどん底に陥れる、背筋が凍りつく、ということで、send shivers down/up/through someone's spineを使います。0:04 the man accused of a chilling murder that sent shivers through the russian capital manages a smile for the cameras as he is lead away ロシアの首都を恐怖に慄かせたバラバラ殺人事件の容疑者はカメラの前でしょっ引かれながらも笑いを浮かべて見せた。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ9rUzIMcZQ 2:06 sends shivers down my spine
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMNRKoCuqMM 0:02 there are two words that send a shiver through the spines of hard working americans....debt collector アメリカ人を震撼させる二語とは借金取りだ。注:send shivers through the spineをsend a shiver though the spinesといっていますが、この程度の誤差は問題ではありません。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anvZfoLv2Rg 0:45 it just honestly sends shivers down my back 本当に感動して身震いした。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4FDfbnxWb8  1:29 JP Morgan has warned investors to expect additional losses, sending a shiver through Wall Street JPモルガン銀行は損失はまだ膨れ上がると顧客に説明し、ウォール街に激震を走らせた。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-x1IkDvENo 1:25 they're trying to send a chill up their spine. 為政者たちは邪魔者をビビらせたいだけだ。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W64qBZWqBoA 0:03 Rajaee Shar, a name that runs a chill down your spine. ラジエーシャー、誰もその名を聞いただけで震え上がる。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwSxU6SHrkI  1:08 the film is certain to send a chill down the spine of even the most hardy of moviegoers.

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2012/11/give-chills.html  give the chills

a-631 shivers running down the spine
a-4149 send shivers down the spine of
a-4624 send a shiver of fear down the spines of
a-5142 send a shiver down any parent's spine
a-5151 sends a shiver down your spine
a-8037 sent shivers down my spine
a-9451 send the jitters down the spine
b-1433 sent a real shiver down the spines of
b-5123 sends a shiver up and down the old spine