
he's survived by two daughters

0:38のhe's survived by two daughters.とは日本語からなくなってしまった概念ですが、英語のなかでも感心する表現で新聞に良く使われます。強いて訳せば「ピーター・フォークは女二人の忘れ形見を残した」のように時代に当てはまらない表現になります。一応、「ピーター・フォークは二人の娘に看取られて逝った」くらいの解釈にしておきましょう。勿論この解釈が妥当でないことは大いにありえます。二人の娘さんがいる、残されたのは二人の娘さんだった、、、簡単に言えばhe died and left behind two daughters.のことです。

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BeA6E03tEc 1:03 Jobs is survived by his wife Laurene and his four children
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28lWhSmV0dc 1:30 She is survived by her daughter, Bobbi Kris ホイットニーさんは娘のボビークリスを残して逝った
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19IKUxcK9WA 0:31 Jones is survived by his wife and four daughters. ジョンズさんは妻と四人の娘を残してこの世を去った。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpcgIAwskNk 0;43 he's survived by his wife, son, stepdaughter and stepson
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0R-KYOR6hQk 1:37 she's survived by her three children and her second husband.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjhdWO7RWfQ  2:20 Walker is survived by a 15-year old daughter Meadow. 俳優ポール・ウォーカーさんは一人娘のメドーちゃんを残して逝った。

1:12 he left behind two young sons.

Meet the Widows of Firefighters Who Lost Their Lives Battling Raging Wildfires

2;05 Bourdain leaves behind an 11-year-old daughter. 自殺した米国の人気シェフ、アンソニー・ボーデインさんには11歳になる一人娘がいる。

Shock, Sadness After Anthony Bourdain's Death

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FerQkRSWsRE 2:19 Kyle leaves behind a wife and two kids. カイル狙撃手は妻と二人の子を残して逝った。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rB-4-QV17Tc 0:31 she leaves behind two young children. マクレディーさんは二人の幼い子供を残して逝った。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrrE3PYcrjw  2:06 Katie left behind a 7-year-old daughter.
Could Chiropractor Visit Have Caused Playboy Model Katie May's Death?

a-509 is survived by
a-643 leaves behind
a-1043 survived by
a-1640 survived by
a-1794 leaves behind
a-3079 is survived by
a-3923 is survived by
a-5533 he's survived by three children
a-5984 is survived by
a-6387 without any living survivors
a-8730 did not survive him  刑務所はパピヨンより先に死んだ。パピヨンは刑務所よりも長生きした。 
b-1264 survived by
b-4969 he is survived by his wife and two sons