

as opposed to はよく使われる表現で、何とかとは対照的に、何かとは異なって、という意味です。1:06 as for cats, who also don't suck, they tend to be much gentler drinkers barely touching their tongue on the liquid surface as opposed to dogs who plunge right in. ネコも犬同様に水をすすらないが犬が舌を水面下にぶち込むのとは異なりネコの舌はかすかに水面に触れるほどで犬よりも行儀がいいといえる。

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYV4t3sDhR0  3:18 Majdanek, this was one of the few Nazis concentration camps that was found near a major city as opposed to being hidden on the country side.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nrcrVDJEhA  3:29 he has only had 3 years to prepare for this as opposed to his father who had 14 years. 金正恩は政権の座に着くまでに経った三年の研修期間しかなかった。それに比べると金正恩の父の金正日は14年間の見習い期間があった。= 金正恩の父の金正日は政権の座に着くまで14年間の見習い期間があったが金正恩はたった三年ぽっちしかない。

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2011/10/in-stark-contrast-to.html  in stark contrast to
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2012/09/blog-post_2.html  足元にも及ばないを英語でなんと言うか?

a-2656 as opposed to
a-7229 as opposed to
a-7421 as opposed to