
医学英語 2017/11/05

自閉症は autism , aut/ism = auto (self) + ism 。0:13 a lot of organizations with autism deal with the medical side of it. funding research and all that, and that's great. NEXT for autism stands out because it funds a tremendous amount of educational spaces and programs that help people with autism right now lead more meaningful lives. 自閉症に関わる多くの団体は自閉症の医学的な側面に取り組んでいるが、自閉症ネクストは自閉症に苦しむ人たちの教育面に取り組んでいる。

Jon Stewart on Night of Too Many Stars 2017 | HBO

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2009/07/blog-post_3040.html  人見知りを英語でなんと言うか?