Tracking Hurricane Jose
0:34 young Batman's mom says her son had a blast. バットマンに扮した息子は興奮気味だったと母は言う。
Photographer Transforms Sick Kids Into Superheroes
10;04 two young women, two sisters having a blast. one of them was clearly very drunk. and she starts dancing wildly on the sidewalk in front of us. lewd gestures, profanity, a heck of a show. 二人の姉妹がとても盛り上がっていて、そのうちの一人はかなり酔っていて、踊り始めた。なまめかしい動き、卑猥な言葉、ちょっとした見世物だった。
My Naked Nightmare: a lesson in surviving humiliation | Catherine Bosley | TEDxYoungstown
a-6158 having a blast around town
a-6497 had a blast
b-0588 we had a blast
b-2383 having a blast