
gain a foothold 足がかりを得る

gain a foothold 足がかりを得る。 3:00 analysts say none of this will stop Vladimir Putin from, once again, trying to gain a Russian foothold in America's hemisphere. アメリカがいくら警告してもプーチンは南アメリカに軍事的な足がかりを築くことを止めようとはしない、と専門家たちは指摘する。

Russian bomber touches down on America's doorstep

8:40 it was the late 19th century when fabric shears were first made in Japan. Western culture was gaining a foothold. and more Japanese were starting to wear Western clothes. 日本初の裁ちばさみが作られたのは19世紀後半で、この頃、西洋文化が日本に入ってきて、多くの日本人が和服から洋服を着るようになってきた。

[Begin Japanology] Season 5 EP39 : Scissors 2012 12 06

0:12 Volvo is owned by Chinese company Geely which has so far struggled to gain a foothold in North America. 吉利汽車の傘下にあるボルボは北アメリカ市場への参入には骨を折ってきた。

Volvo to open first U.S. factory

0:43 Trump's interest in Russia has been long-standing. he says he has currently no investments there. but in the past he's repeatedly sought a foothold for his Trump-branded towers in Russia and other former Soviet states.

Trump and Putin - It's Complicated

0:31 cutting footholds for us is easy for him. 登山ガイドのカシ二さんにとっては後続メンバーのためにピッケルで足場を切りながら進むのは造作もないことだ。

Climate SOS: Uganda's glaciers rapidly melting away

b-1266 gained much of a foothold