
the ink is not dry 署名したインクの乾かないうちに

the ink is not dry on (an agreement, a document, a contact) あるいは before the ink is dry on (an agreement, a document, a contact) のようなパターンで使われる。意味は「契約にサインしたインクが乾く前に、契約して間もないうちに」。17:40 the ink was barely dry on Mike's death certificate when his mom found out the her daughter-in-law was having a torrid affair with her son's best friend Brian Winchester. 息子の死亡診断書が出されて間もないうちに母親は息子の嫁が息子の親友のブライアンと深い中になっているのを見つけた。

He goes missing, his wife marries his best friend (who also wrote his life insurance policy)

as you know, we're in the middle of the biggest shakeup in the history of British intelligence. the ink's barely dry on this merger with MI5 and already they're itching for a chance to scrap the double-0 program forever. and you've just given them one. ボンド君、君はイギリスの情報機関が今、統合中だと知っているだろう。MI6とMI5は統合したばかりで、奴らは007部門を廃止する機会をうかがっているのさ。君のやったことは奴らに007部門を廃止の格好の口実を与えたことになる。

James Bond Gets Back to Work.mov

2:29 before the ink was dry on Kris and Robert's divorce paper, she went on a blind date with the Olympic gold medalist formerly known as Bruce Jenner. クリスはロバート・カーダシアンとの離婚が成立していくらもしないうちに、旧名ブルース・ジェンナーとブラインドデートをした。

What Kris Jenner Was Like Before She Became Famous

8:51 before the ink was dry on this free trade agreement, China began flooding American markets with its illegally subsidized and very dangerous exports while the big multinational companies that had lobbied heavily for the agreement rapidly accelerated the offshoring of American factories and American jobs to China. 中国はWTO世界貿易機関に加盟するや否や不当に安いメイドインチャイナ製品でアメリカの市場を席巻し、中国のWTO加盟を後押しした大規模な多国籍企業は生産拠点をを急ピッチで中国に移していった。

China Documentary -- How is China Dying?

a-6289 the ink hasn't even dried on
b-3148 the ink wasn't dry on
b-5445 the ink is dry