Beyond Today -- Christ's Second Coming: Can You Believe It?
0:40 so I'm just going to hazard a guess that we will see some numbers indicating a body count upstairs. 当てずっぽうで言ってみるけど、上の階には死人の数を意味する数字が書かれていると思うよ。
Inside the Hospitals Hit by Hurricane Katrina
13:27 does anybody want to hazard a guess over how long this bat would live for? このコウモリがどのくらい長生きするのか、誰か、間違ってもいいから答えてみて下さい。
Emma Teeling: The secret of the bat genome
b-0661 I can hazard a guess
b-0662 I'll hazard
b-5335 hazard a guess