
take the bull by the horns

take the bull by the horns 角をつかんで牛を押さえる、困難な状況に果敢に立ち向かう。この言い方によく似た言い方は多数存在する。1:30 prince took the bull by the horns and said you may not take a selfie. ハリー王子はファンに「自画撮り」はやめてくれと勇気を出して伝えた。

Prince Harry: 'Selfies are bad...I hate selfies...

1:25 this is the moment where it's like I need to really take the bull by the horns. 正念の見せ場です。

Taking the Bull by the Horns | Cesar 911

2:56 Markle identified with her character's intelligence and drive, and told Marie Claire in 2013, Rachel and I, very similar, ambitious, driven and always trying to take the bull by its horns. I'm harder on myself than anyone else might be. メーガンは2013年の女性誌マリ・クレールのインタビューで自分が演じたレイチェルと本当の自分は志、やる気、そして困難に立ち向かうところにおいて、そっくりで、他の誰よりも自分自身に厳しい、と答えていた。

Here's What Meghan Markle Was Like Before Becoming A Royal

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2015/08/grab-by-throat.html  grab by the throat

b-3605 take the final 200 meters by the horns
b-3638 carry.... by its tail