

0:30 I mean, if you're ever going to get into any kind of situation that needs to be figured out or 'how do we do this?' -- show business people are the best. we're just, we're scrappy. we know how to get stuff done. we're inventive. we (4 words). and, you know, that kind of spirit, (6 words). you know, it goes back to like, let's put on a show! we'll (3 words), we've got some things, we're going to write! and that spirit is definitely alive and well on 'The Matrix.' 行き詰ってどうすればいいのか、と言う境遇にはエンタメ業界の人間がうってつけだ。私たちはその場で考え、創作的で、物事をやり遂げる力がある。われわれはそのような人間の集まりで、ショーを始めるぞ、小道具、使えるもの、台本、、、これらの精神はマトリックス4でも十分に生かされている。

'We're scrappy!' Keanu Reeves filming 'The Matrix 4' in Berlin