
go together like a horse and carriage

go together like a horse and carriage のような言い方は数多く存在する。go together like peas and carrots, go together like oil and vinegar, go together like bread and butter のように go together like の後には対比される二つの名詞が続く。0:05 researchers believe the astringent in liquids like wine and the fat in certain foods such as meat go together like a horse and carriage, because they sit opposite of the sensory spectrum in the mouth and complement one another when it comes to texture in the mouth.

New Study: The feel of good food

3:20 Royals and cheating scandals go together like peanut butter and jelly.王室に浮気スキャンダルはつきものだ。

Kate Middleton Fears William Cheating Scandal After Husband Paired With Colleague Dr. Gemma Mullen.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucyhg8Q33zs   0:01 M&Ms and McFlurries go together like ham and cheese. マーブルチョコとマックフルーリーはとても相性がいい。
Pulling M&Ms from McFlurrys

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2015/04/blog-post_73.html  切っても切れない仲を英語でなんと言うか?