Wedding - Saturday Night Live
7:16 these days, the chocolate that women give to men doesn't necessarily mean they have feelings for them. 最近の女性から男性へのチョコは恋愛感情の現れとは限りません。
[Begin Japanology] Season 5 EP41 : Gift giving 2012 12 20
have a feeling は「なんとなくそんな感じがする」の意味。2:29 I get a feeling that you're trying to put the move on me. あなた私にちょっかいを出そうとしてない?
Doogie Howser - Wanna Play Monopoly?
b-5534 had feelings for
b-5657 do you have any feelings for me
b-6583 has feelings for
b-6700 developed feelings for each other
b-7179 have feelings for