

4:30 they're personal stories. they're not controlled clinical trials. and I think that has been the problem. it's that the President and some of his advisers are really taking so much stock. they're (5 words) these anecdotal or personal stories rather than the science, the actual science. トランプがヒドロキシクロロキン硫酸塩がコロナの特効薬だと触れ回っているが、それは経験談で、臨床試験ではない。そこがトランプの問題だ。トランプとトランプの子分達はヒドロキシクロロキンに執着し、科学よりも経験談に異常な比重を置いている。

Hydroxychloroquine's false hope: How an obscure drug became a coronavirus 'cure' | The Fact Checker