

世紀(百年間)を century というのはよく知られている。百周年は centennial という。ちなみに百寿(ももじゅ)のお年寄りは centenarian だ。昔の映画に Bicentennial Man (二百歳の男)があったが、ご覧になっただろうか?1:37 the society can tolerate an immortal robot, but we will never tolerate an immortal human. it arouses too much jealousy, too much anger.

[Scene] Bicentennial Man - Right to Humanity (Part 1)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1lfjKqGgf8  1:10 the school's centennial 開校百周年
10 Of The Largest Things In The World
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99buqSVBuOo  0:44 the Grand Central is celebrating its centennial in February. 開業百周年
The Secrets of Grand Central Terminal in New York City | The New York Times
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yk2LiMTQE6I  2:35 the centenarians are part of a fast growing segment of the US population.
More Americans Turning 100 than Ever Before

a-4147 the centenarian