
it's a thing.

it's a thing とはそのような現象という意味です。定冠詞の the はつかない。 0:04 billionaires like bikes. apparently it's a thing. 超大金持ちは自転車が大好き。そういうものです。

Bikes built for billionaires
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjvEqgHxK9Y  0:01 researchers wanted to figure out whether or not gaining weight when you're in a relationship is a thing. 交際中に体重が増加するのはそういう現象なのか、研究者たちは解明中です。
Why Are Married People Fatter Than Single People?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl3LT6gEkUc  3:18 in India witch hunts are actually a thing. インドで魔女狩りは実際に起こっている出来事です。
China's New Spy Hotline | China Uncensored

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2012/12/blog-post_31.html  過去のものを英語でなんと言うか?

a-3849 became a thing
a-5665 such a thing
a-8173 become a thing
b-2968 a thing
b-4484 it's a thing