

work magic は魔力、魅力、才能を使って効果を出すことです。 0:18 there seemed to be no end in sight to the crash, but market forces are working their magic, as the global energy watchdog put it, and oil has made a comeback. 原油価格の下落はとどまるところを知らなかったが、市場の力が功を奏して、原油価格は持ち直した。

Is oil done crashing?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yE3ABEIlRU0  0:57 an hour later, the doctor says the freeze worked its magic. 一時間後、医者は患部氷結の効果が現れたと言った。
Mama June Undergoes Procedure to Remove Double Chin After Losing 150 Pounds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp8AzHIC0hM  2:19 all Holly has to do now is wait for the wooden sticks to work their magic. いまは箆の(へら)がちゃんと役目を果たしてくれることを待つばかりです。
Help Me! I Can't Shut My Mouth! - Bizarre ER - BBC Three
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2015/12/work-wonders.html  work wonders 効果てきめん