

it takes getting used to といいます。1:48 the operation system does take a little bit getting used to. クロームブックのOSにはちょっと慣れが必要です。

Molly Wood | Is Chromebook Laptop All You Need? | The New York Times
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZ6x7MCvPS8  0:59 3D touch does take a little getting used to. アップルのiPhone 6S and 6S プラスの新しい3D Touchを使いこなすにはちょっと慣れが必要だ。
iPhone 6s Review: Better, But Not How You Think
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHytt5aKoDY  1:29 it takes some getting used to. 艦内を縦横無尽に歩き回るにはちょとした慣れが必要だ。
CNN travels on warship targeting human traffickers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pS8FTH7K4BY  0:43 now the keyborad, still kind of, shallow. it takes some getting used to.キーボードは浅く出来ているので、打つのに慣れが必要。
More speed, battery life for Apple's 12-inch MacBook

a-3689 takes a little getting used to
b-0250 taking some getting used to
b-1694 it took me a little getting used to
b-2905 take getting used to
b-3711 takes some getting used to
b-5604 takes a bit of getting used to