

crane your neck と言います。 crane にはもっとよく見ようとして首を伸ばすという意味があります。0:03 you have to crane your neck to get a good look at the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.システィーナ礼拝堂天井画をよく見るためには鶴のように首を曲げて上を見上げなければなりません。

Inside Sistine Chapel on 500th anniversary
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mw2i38DNGqA  0:15 I can see Donald Trump's apartment. if you crane your neck, yeah. ここからバカボンの部屋が見える。首を伸ばせばね。
For $23 million, you can be Donald Trump's Neighbor
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVQx27NHZPQ  1:02 several drivers have also slamming on their brakes as they approached or passed the statue, craning their necks for a second look.
Odd half-naked statue pops up at Wellesley College in the US
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fUXHsswulA  0:58 Reeva Steenkamp's family craning forward, hanging on every word 身を乗り出して
The Cliffhanger Verdict in Oscar Pistorius Trial

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2012/04/blog-post_04.html  危ない橋を渡るを英語でなんと言うか?

a-4830 craning their necks
a-4981 craning 注;イディオムが理解できていれば、reporters are craning their necks for a closer look. は透けて見えるはず。