
beat a hasty retreat 急ぎ足でその場を去る

beat a (hasty) retreat は急ぎ足でその場を立ち去るです。1:16 in a matter of seconds, he butchers the haunch of the wildebeest and they beat a hasty retreat. ウシカモシカのお尻の肉を手際よくさばき、三人はさっさとその場を後にした

Three Men vs. Fifteen Hungry Lions - Human Planet, Grasslands, Preview - BBC One
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlZn62ZCR1w  2:30 many of the State's glaciers are beating a hasty retreat. アラスカは温暖化の影響で氷河の後退が著しい
Alaska's Glaciers Take Up More Space Than All of West Virginia