

heartburn といいます。日本語と共通の発想です。0:18 Dr. Braden Kuo a gastroenterologist at Boston's Massachusetts General Hospital says heartburn is a result of stomach acid sneaking up into the esophagus. something also knows as acid reflux. マサチューセッツ総合病院の消化器内科のクオ医師は胸焼けは胃液が食道に逆流することが原因で、別名胃食道逆流症とも言われる。

Acid Reflux Disease
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7eHw17jCt4  2:00 too much of a good thing can cause overproduction of acid in the stomach. and that means heartburn.
Tips for Digestive Health
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTMiZJQtkfU  0:01 heartburn, for Americans, it is among the most common health complaints.