
worth one's salt 賃金に見合った働きをする

worth one's salt とは賃金に見合った働きをする(能力を備えている)、有能であると言う意味です。6:20 the book was a lie. as every man worth his salt knows there is no such thing as cheap pussy. タダマンガイドブックというのは真っ赤な嘘本です。常識のある大人ならタダマンなど存在しなことはお見通しです。

John McAfee Answers Controversial Questions in a UNIQUE way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgLf_UUvAXo  2:41 any president worth his salt should repudiate this deal in the very first days of his or her presidency. イラン核合意はまったく情けない合意。だから、オバマの次の常識のある大統領は就任早々この合意を破棄する必要がある。
Sen. Ted Cruz: Any president worth his salt would overturn Iran deal
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzBIarGJjHk  2:20 Roman warriors deemed worth their salt were sometimes given a salary. Why Salt & Pepper?

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2015/04/worth-your-weight-in-gold.html  worth your weight in gold
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2009/11/blog-post_4964.html  塩をまくを英語でなんと言うか?

b-3287 worth his or her salt