
beyond one's years 実際の歳よりも

beyond one's years は公式です。 4:38 At the height of his acting career, Nolte’s weathered golden-boy looks and feathered bangs made him a suburban housewife heartthrob. However, years of hard living, drugs, and a couple of DUIs seemed to have aged him beyond his years. ニック・ノルティの絶頂期にはその風貌や髪型で主婦たちを虜にしたが、長年の厳しい生活、麻薬、そして飲酒運転歴なとがたたり、実際の年よりも老け込んでしまった。

Top 10 Actors and Actresses that Aged Badly
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxfA9SloVAU  3:16 by 5 years old, she was already drawing at a level way beyond her years. とても五歳の少女の手によるものとは思えないものを描いていた。
DOCS: Superhuman - Geniuses
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF9VmHqPkq0  9:05 you are speaking words wise way beyond your years. 君の話を聞いているとまるで大人が話しているようだ。
Family blames Trump rhetoric for school bullies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eT464L1YRA  0:17 Oh - thinkin' about all our younger years
Bryan Adams - Heaven

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2013/01/blog-post_9759.html  相応を英語でなんと言うか?

b-0281 well beyond her years
b-2773 mature beyond her years
b-6782 well beyond his years