
fast and furious

fast and furious は映画のタイトルから来たものですが、イディオムのように使われています。 0:53 the flash floods came so fast and so furious that this little car was nearly swallowed whole.

California interstate turned into a muddy lake
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zz_dgjIjO2Y  1:19 American cars are hardly the only thing selling fast and furious, US exports to the Gulf skyrocketing. 湾岸諸国でバカ売れるものは車だけじゃない、メイドインUSAならなんでもかんでもバカスカ売れる。
US Manufacturers Find Overseas Fans
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRhamhDCFM4  0:25 insults, accusations flying fast and furious in a Manhattan court yesterday.
Linda Evangelista Fights for Son in Court; Requests $46,000/Month for Child Support

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2016/05/slow-and-steady.html  slow and steady
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2016/05/slowly-but-surely.html  slowly but surely