

2:21 this vision of violence and chaos everywhere doesn't really (2 words) the experience of most people.トランプが民衆に吹聴する暴力まみれのアメリカは実際のアメリカ社会を正しく描いたものではない。

Donald Trump renews rivalry with Ted Cruz
注;トランプの指名受諾演説を聴いていて、angels and demons 天使と悪魔 という映画を思い出してしまった。2:30 and you conjured up an old enemy from the past, the Illuminati. you found the ancient brands in the papal vaults and put them to use, to spread fear. the cardinals are men of belief. right now their belief in evil is uniting them. The entire Catholic world will be united by this attack. there is no attack.

Angels and Demons - Camerlengo (Good vs. Evil)