
on what charge? 何の罪で?

on what charge? は決まり文句。charge with (a crime) がイディオムだから、with what charge? となりそうなものだが、そうならないのは on what grounds? (何の理由で?)がちょっと関係しているような気がする。1:16 Major Turner has been arrested. on what charge? espionage. ターナー軍曹は逮捕されたよ。何の罪で?スパイ容疑だ。

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back Official Trailer #1 (2016) - Tom Cruise, Cobie Smulders Movie HD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tr3t1uZNbKo  0:49 you are under arrest. on what charge? お前を逮捕する。何の罪で?
RoboCop - Directive 4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwJpwk665Xk  0:11 a woman was arrested over the weekend and charged with DUI. 飲酒運転の容疑でこの女性は逮捕されました。(逮捕され飲酒運転の罪に問われた) 
Woman Gets Arrested After She Live Streams Driving Drunk on Periscope
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7Wec10-fGE  0:32 Kohrs was arrested and charged with two felony counts of hit-and-run. コアーズ巡査は逮捕されひき逃げの罪に問われた。  
'Hot Cop of Castro' Arrested After Allegedly Hitting Two Men and Fleeing

a-4347 be charged with
a-5196 charged with
a-6047 charged with