
a hair's breadth 紙一重(かみひとえ)

a hair's breadth は髪の毛ほどの幅、つまり紙一重のことです。5:29 the numbers I've calculated, they're coming in at around 59.7598%. and 60% is the maximum. that's like a hair's breadth away. very very close. 闇金融業者の利息を計算してみたところ、年利59.7598% でした。法に引っかかるのは年利60パーでしたよね。その通りです。じゃ、紙一重の差じゃないですか。かなりきわどいですよね。

Are Easy Financial's installment loans a good deal? (CBC Marketplace)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBrnjpy4kLg  0:46 it got rave reviews. I mean I think I read a review this morning. it said 'a hair's breadth away from perfection.' あなたのお芝居はかなり好評ですよ。今朝読んだ記事にはほぼ完璧な演技と書かれていましたよ。
Carey Mulligan On First Broadway Role 'Skylight' | TODAY
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orU81u1PnGA  0:30 Salma has been within a hair's breadth of death. but doctors have performed a near miracle.
Collateral Suicide: Teen tries to kill herself to escape NATO bombs

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2016/07/a-few-minutes-walk.html  a few minutes' walk 歩いて数分の距離
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2017/01/by-hair.html  by a hair 紙一重で