
the coast is clear 人影なし

coast は、海岸線を意味するか惰性で走るかの意味がある。the coast is clear とは密輸、密航時に海岸線に人影なし、つまり、事をしでかす好機という意味。1:49 the coast is clear. 今がチャンス。

Doge Vs Monkey In Japan - Wild Japan - BBC
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLoIBQ2oeI4  0:47 right here you can see a guy wearing a fedora and holding a crowbar come up from the staircase after breaking in. he runs outside to alert his accomplices that the coast is clear. 下から上がってきた賊の一人が正面玄関を開いて誰もいないからチョロいぜ、と賊の残り二人を手引きした。
Grandma Wearing Pajamas Scolds Home Intruders: 'Get the Hell Out of Here!'
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm4FRoYOnXA  1:16 if you can't, then just coast and start getting involved in some of these other things you are interested in. あなたが肩たたきにあって、今すぐに会社を辞められないのなら、流しながら今後何をやりたいのかを考えはじめなさい。
The Next Chapter in Life
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNt3rHD1xFM  0:05 and a coast lined with empty palm-fringed beaches 人影のない、椰子の木が並ぶ浜が続く海岸線
Sao Tome and Principe eyes tourism boost to economy

a-4723 the coast is clear
a-5488 the coast is clear
a-6108 the coast is clear
a-7202 the coast looks clear
a-9819 the coast is clear
b-0905 the coast is clear