
file for divorce 離婚を申請する

file for something は決まった言い方なので、おぼえておこう。file for divorce でも、file for a divorce でも同じ。 0:03 Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt on September 19, 2016.

The Real Reason Angelina And Brad Are Getting A Divorce

1:18 Tiger's wife Elin filed for divorce. and he became a late night TV punchline. タイガー・ウッズの妻エリンさんはタイガーの女遊びに愛想をつかして三行半を突きつけ、それ以来タイガー・ウッズは深夜番組の笑いものになった。

A Look Back at Golfer Tiger Woods' Fall From Grace

0:36 ... but Fualaau reportedly filed for a legal separation earlier this month.

Infamous Teacher Mary Kay Letourneau Separates From Husband Who Was Her Student

0:53 today, Abedin was in a different court house nearby filing for divorce.

Anthony Weiner's Fall From Grace

0:26 she has since filed for divorce.

Teacher on the Run With Student Left Note for Wife, May Need His Meds Soon

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2009/09/blog-post_9204.html  自己破産を英語でなんと言うか?
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2010/01/blog-post_969.html  三行半を突きつけるを英語でなんと言うか?
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2013/03/blog-post_11.html  お別れの手紙を英語でなんと言うか?

a-4745 filed for a legal separation
a-7221 filed for divorce from
a-7916 file for divorce
a-9130 filed for divorce