Help fight hangovers with these tips 0:09 I call it wallop wine because people buy it so that can drink it icy cold, and knock it back without really noticing they're drinking anything at all. 私はピノ・グリージョをビールのようなワインと思っている。冷たく冷やして一気にやると、グイグイいけるから。
A wine-lover's guide to Pinot Grigio | The World of Wine 1:07 You set them up and I'll knock them back, one by one. White man's burden.あんたが、ドリンクをつくって、俺がそれを一杯ずつ飲み干すのさ。それが白人の性というものさ。
Bar Scene - The Shining 0;46 and then head to the pub to pound back a few brews with the Prime Minister.
China-UK Relationship Goes Nuclear! | China Uncensored 1:58 he downs up to 14 bottles of wine a day. he says he starts tipping back the drinks as early as 10:00 AM. ジェラール・ドパルデュー監督はワインを一日に14本あける。朝の10時からやり始めるといっている。
Mind The Gap!
a-7195 knock it totally back