Man Reunites With Childhood Bully After He Apologizes 20 Years Later
0:04 this stray puppy was tormented by children, a rescue organization says, and and left for dead. この小犬ちゃんは子供たちから虐待され捨て置かれた。
Puppy Covered In Glue Left For Dead By Children Makes Miraculous Recovery
1:03 but until now, no one ever realized how much the legendary Judy Garland was tormented during the production. オズの魔法使いのドロシー役を演じたジュディ・ガーランドさんが、ロケ現場でどれほど小人たちから性的嫌がらせを受けていたから、今の今まで、誰も知らなかった。
Judy Garland's Husband Claims She Was Molested By Munchkins During 'Oz' Filming
37:32 he became Barack Obama's chief tormentor, promoting this horrible campaign where people questioned whether he was an American citizen. ペテン師トランプはオバマ大統領が本当に米国籍をもち大統領の資格があるのかと民衆に問い、オバマ大統領を苦しめる宿敵となった。
Trump: America's Next President?
a-4756 been harassing and tormenting her