
list 船が傾く

list には船が傾くという意味がある。0;54 as you can see now. the ship is still listing. 見てわかるとおり、フィッツジェラルド(大破したイージス艦)は(浸水のため)船体が傾いている。

Officials probe cause of Navy ship crash

0;13 the ship began to list violently and the captain chose to intentionally ground the vessel off the Isle of Wight just after leaving port rather than losing it all at sea including full tanks of fuel.

Cargo Ship Carrying Luxury Cars Grounded | 3rd Block | NBC News

0:35 survivors and rescuers have talked about the terrifying moments as the ferry began to list to one side and then sink within half an hour.

Philippine ferry death toll set to rise

0:23 she had a list. この船は傾いていた。list が名詞として使われている。

100-Year-Old Battleship Texas Springs Leak

3;39 early the next morning, the ship struck trouble. it turned sharply and began to list and sink.

Murky Waters

1:39 some vacationers panicked when the ship began to tilt scrambling to get to safety by jumping, but they died trying to escape.

Cruise Ship Runs Aground Off Tuscany Coast

0:19 the Leaning Tower of Pisa ピサの斜塔

UNESCO meets to decide new World Heritage Sites

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2012/07/blog-post_27.html  暗礁に乗り上げるを英語でなんと言うか?

a-5541 list
b-2016 listing
b-2020 listing