
tip the scales 天秤を傾かせる

tip the scales には天秤を傾かせると言う意味がある。tip the scales at + 体重 「何キロの目方がある。体重は何キロ」 は公式。 0:29 six years ago, Matt tipped the scales at 500 lbs. 六年前、マット君の体重は227キロだった。

This is What 270 Pounds of Extra Skin Looks Like

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmOItooHeK4  0:20 his mother tips the scales at 110 kilograms.
Giant 6.5kg baby born in eastern China

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lWJtw9D-m8  2:59 at his peak, John tipped the scales at a whopping 360 lbs.
When Stars Help Their Sidekicks Look Like Them: Kathy Griffin's Assistant, Joe Jonas' Guitarist

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx6Zjff9A9o  3:48 Laton tips the scales at 23.5 stones.
S03E02 Supersize Vs. Superskinny Season 3 Episode TWO

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuP5WxlRB3g  2:00 he has to be very careful not to tip the scales too far. アキノ大統領はフィリッピンの領海での米中の軍事バランスを一方的に崩さないことを念頭におく必要がある。
Philippines seeks US support against China

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDaVNrPcn7Q  0:10 the yes-and-no campaigns are going all out to tip the scale in their favor. スコットランド独立派と残留派は総出で選挙運動に励んでいる。
'Yes' or 'No' to Independence: Final decision looms for Scotland