Trump expected to order border wall 0:13 it was European foreign ministers who succeeded in getting the President and opposition leaders to put pen to paper.
Ukraine rivals sign deal to end crisis 0:01 putting pen to paper and reaffirming commitment to Mexico for the next 10 years. シーメンス社は向こう10年メキシコに投資をする合意に調印した。
Trump wall doesn't stop Siemens Mexico deal 4:00 Meanwhile, Cosby put pen to paper for bestsellers like “Fatherhood” and “Love and Marriage.” そのかたわら、コスビーさんは父親業、愛と結婚などのベストセラーの執筆にいそしんだ。
Bill Cosby Biography: 'I Spy' to 'The Cosby Show'
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