
eerily quiet 不気味なほど静かだ

eerily は副詞、eerie, eery が形容詞。eeriness が名詞。1:45 after all the chaos we saw earlier today, it is now eerily quiet. the calm before the storm. さっきまであんなにごった返していたのに、今は不気味なほど静か。嵐の前の静けさです。

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0:22 actually it was eerily like normal today. 大災害の後にしては不気味なほど平常を保っている日。2:03 the other thing that I will never forget is that the buildings all round us were making this eerily creaking sound. 不気味にきしむ音。

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1:13 Tokyo's normally bustling streets are eerily quiet.

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0:36 but the truly eerie similarities are not below the belt but above the shoulders. このようなセックススキャンダル犯の奇妙な類似点はおへその下よりも肩の上のほうにある。

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0:11 beyond the hills of MIddletown, Penssylvania, an eerie sight rises through the haze.

Three Mile Island, 32 Years Later

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2014/07/blog-post_14.html  シーンと静まりかえるを英語でなんと言うか?
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2017/04/crickets.html  crickets だんまり、沈黙

a-4990 eerie noises
a-9956 eerily quiet
a-9971 eerily quiet