
have a word with 話をする、言葉を交わす

have a word with  手短な話をする、言葉を交わす。0:44 doctor, may I have a word with you? ちょっと、お話しすることがあります。すこし、いいですか?少し話してもいいですか?

DOOGIE KAMEALOHA MD Trailer (2021) Disney+ Series

0:53 if it's possible, I'd like a word with Mr French. 出来れば、フレンチさんにお話を伺いたいのですが。

The Fast-Talking Lawyer | Columbo

54:31 but I'd like to have a word with the two of your girls. おたくのチアリーダー二人とちょっとお話したいのですが。

High School USA

3:24 may I have a word in private with Captain Picard? ピカード艦長と二人だけで話せますか?

I Will Enjoy You Morning, Noon & Night

0:23 can I have a word in private? = can I have a word (with you) in private?

John Smith learns of Thomas' condition - The Man in the High Castle S1E8

b-1090 have a word with you
b-1182 have a word with him
b-6925 a word with you