
do your part 役割を果たす

do one's part は簡単なイディオム。辞書がなくてもすぐに理解できる。 0;43 are you willing to do your part? 君は自分の役目を果たす気があるのかね?

King's Speech - Exercises

0:18 she had done her part, and if there was anything that I could do to help complete it for her, I was happy to do it. 私の娘は一生懸命減量に取り組んだので、もし私が娘が夢を完全に手に入れることが出来る助けになれるなら、喜んで娘を助ける。

See 23-Year-Old's Transformation After Dad Gives Her $37,000 For Plastic Surgery

1:02 I think it was someone who just wanted to recognize what they've done for us and do his part to give back to them. 警備隊員たちの飲食代を払った人は 警備隊の仕事に対してねぎらう為、飲食代の肩代わりをすることで自分に出来る恩返しをしたのだと思う。

Mystery man buys lunch for National Guard Troops

3:21 I've done my part, and now it's time for them to survive on their own. 母親をなくした子リスには代理母として私は出来ることをしてあげた。子リスたちは自分の力で生きてゆく時が来た。

Girl Raises Four Orphaned Baby Red Squirrels In The Middle Of The Forest | The Dodo Wild Hearts

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2019/03/do-ones-job.html  do one's job 本来の役目を果たす

b-3011 doing their part
b-4335 do their part