half the battle にその意味があります。
0:17 never tell anyone you're home alone. and never give anyone your address. I'll say mom can't come to the phone. smart thinking. now I know. and knowing is half the battle. 家には誰もいないって言っちゃダメだよ。そして家の住所も教えちゃダメだ。お母さんが電話に出られないって言うよ。賢い子だ。よくわかりました。それがわかっていれば勝ったも同然だよ。
Roadblock - "Don't give strangers your address" - A G.I. Joe PSA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ymd5iDYqwU 1:19 that's half the battle, isn't it? これで怖いものなしだね。これで鬼に金棒だね。
Lolly's Locks Helps Teacher With Cancer Find Confidence | NBC News
b-2147 half the battle
b-3402 half her battle